Locally Rooted, Globally Connected

Datacate Data Centers ⦿ Rancho Cordova, CA

Datacate Data Centers

Rancho Cordova, CA

Datacate provides personalized, reliable, and flexible data center services. We are proud to be a local, independently owned and operated business—no external entity dictates our terms. We maintain full control, ensuring our clients get the highest-quality service directly from us.

Technical Consulting

Technology Selection Guidance
Choose the technologies that align with your operational requirements and long-term objectives.
Design and Implementation Support
Providing expert advice and hands-on assistance during the design and deployment phases to ensure seamless execution.


We prioritize local talent and support as a business born and built in the local community. We are not part of a large, distant corporation; instead, we are dedicated to serving our community and beyond. Whether you are a local startup or a national or international player, our commitment is the same: providing exceptional service tailored to your needs.

Leadership for a Diverse World

Our management team brings together a wealth of expertise across multiple domains. From technology and business to financial strategy, facilities management, product development, client services, vendor relations, and security controls, we have built a team that is as diverse in its talents as it is united in its mission. This diversity ensures that we approach every challenge with a comprehensive perspective, allowing us to deliver innovative and reliable solutions.

badge A Commitment to Excellence

At Datacate, we believe in supporting businesses of all sizes. Our client base includes local entrepreneurs as well as national and international corporations. Regardless of size or location, we treat every client with the same dedication and care. Our “people-first” culture and philosophy guide everything we do, from working with our team members to engaging with our clients and community. We are more than just a data center provider; we are a partner committed to your success.

Ownership and Independence

Our data center campus is wholly owned and operated by us, giving us the flexibility to offer bespoke solutions that best fit your needs.

Local Expertise and Support

With a readily available local team of experts, you get fast, personalized support from people who understand your business and your market.

Diverse Talent

Our leadership and staff bring together a range of expertise, ensuring comprehensive, strategic, and creative solutions.

Community-Centric Approach

We invest in local businesses and talent, contributing to the growth of our community while also serving clients on a national and international scale.

People-First Philosophy

At Datacate, our clients and employees come first. We believe that by creating a positive, people-focused environment, we can achieve excellence in everything we do.

Why Choose Datacate?

We are dedicated to building long-term relationships with our clients and are here to help you navigate your data management needs with confidence and ease. Let us be the trusted partner that helps drive your business forward.
Join us at Datacate and experience a new level of service—one that is personalized, reliable, and dedicated to your success.

The MSP support team working at Datacate

Request A Service Proposal

Discover how Datacate can secure and scale your infrastructure. Take the first step toward reliable it solutions. Reach out to us today.