Cloud Services

Datacate Data Centers ⦿ Rancho Cordova, CA

Datacate Data Centers

Rancho Cordova, CA

A comprehensive suite of cloud services with scalable and secure computing, storage, and networking solutions, including public, private, and managed cloud environments.

Cloud Compute Solutions

Public Cloud
Cost-efficient and scalable on-demand computing resources in a shared environment.
Private Cloud
Dedicated infrastructure offering enhanced security, performance, and compliance.
DCaaS (Data Center as a Service)
Hosted data center infrastructure tailored to your specifications.
Cloud computing conceptual image - Image by natanaelginting on Freepik

Cloud Storage Solutions

Robust storage solutions to meet the needs of modern data management.

  • Scalable Cloud Storage
    Expandable storage optimized for performance, availability, and redundancy.
  • Managed Backup and Archiving
    Protect critical data, ensuring data integrity and accessibility when needed.

Managed Networking and WAN Security

Networking solutions to secure and manage your cloud environment.

  • Managed Networking
    Configured and optimized to ensure consistent performance and secure connectivity.
  • WAN Security Solutions
    Robust security for data in transit: encrypted connections, firewalls, and intrusion prevention.

Managed Cloud Solutions

Your team focuses on core business; we handle the technical complexities.

  • Managed Cloud Services
    Everything from infrastructure management to ongoing maintenance.
  • Performance Optimization
    Continuous monitoring and tuning to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Why Choose Datacate?

Datacate’s cloud services provide the flexibility and control needed to drive your business forward. We deliver secure, scalable, and expertly managed cloud solutions with options ranging from public to private cloud, DCaaS, and comprehensive managed services. As your trusted partner, Datacate’s Rancho Cordova data center ensures that your cloud infrastructure is aligned with your strategic goals, providing the reliability and security your operations demand.

Emory Hayes working at Datacate

Request A Service Proposal

Discover how Datacate can secure and scale your infrastructure. Take the first step toward reliable it solutions. Reach out to us today.