Infrastructure Services

Datacate Data Centers ⦿ Rancho Cordova, CA

Datacate Data Centers

Rancho Cordova, CA

Purpose-built computing platforms, available in private cloud and bare metal configurations. A robust foundation for hosting applications, managing content, and handling critical workloads.

Purpose-Built Computing Platforms

Private Cloud Solutions
Securely hosted applications, data storage, and hot standby scenarios. Built to scale with your business.
Bare Metal Servers
Optimized for production loads, data storage, and replication. For businesses needing dedicated performance.

Managed Networking and Security

A suite of networking and security solutions to ensure seamless and secure operations:

  • Private Networking
    Private network solutions to protect sensitive data and isolate critical workloads.
  • VPN and WAN Connectivity
    Secure VPN and WAN options to connect remote locations and users with confidence.
  • Point-to-Point Solutions
    Both wireless and wired point-to-point solutions are available for reliable connectivity across different sites.

Systems Design and Engineering

Strategic design and engineering services for effective data center operations:

  • Strategic Systems Design
    Systems that meet specific operational requirements while optimized for scalability and performance.
  • Engineering Services
    Ensures that all infrastructure components are integrated seamlessly, supporting reliability and long-term growth.

Why Choose Datacate?

With Datacate, your business gains access to a robust, secure, and scalable infrastructure. Our purpose-built computing platforms, combined with our expert managed networking services, provide the foundation for your success. Whether you need private cloud hosting, bare metal servers, or advanced networking solutions, Datacate delivers the performance and reliability your business depends on.

Equipment in cabinet

Request A Service Proposal

Discover how Datacate can secure and scale your infrastructure. Take the first step toward reliable it solutions. Reach out to us today.